Nice to receive thanks from one of the UK based charities that the CWUHA work with.
Once again I would like to thank CWUHA for their generous donation which allowed us to supply enough food to make up 35 hampers for a charity that is local to me, that helps families in the Teesside area.
Little sprouts was set up in 2014 to promote health and well-being through the delivery of targeted cooking. It currently has 5 staff and 26 volunteers from the local community.
They currently engage with about 100 children aging from 5-16 out of this group some are carers some have learning difficulties and some children suffer anxiety and are home schooled.
Again this year a request was made by Katheryn Appleby a supporter of little sprouts. Kathryn puts the Xmas hampers together and also delivers them with the help of her neighbours. This then allows one of the founders Debbie Fixter to concentrate on getting the fresh food hampers sorted.
Last years target was 50 hampers and Kathryn got a lot more so this year a target of 100 hampers was set. These hampers will then be put together and derived locally. Again this year with a donation from the CWUHA we were able to donate 35 hampers and 12 pairs of pyjamas. This has taken the total to well over 100 hampers again.
Kathryn collects all the food for the hampers then with the help of her neighbours puts them together and the then fill there own cars and go out and deliver the hampers to those people in the community that would not be able to afford a dinner on Xmas day. The hampers have enough in to make a Xmas dinner for a small family along with Xmas pudding and some treats such as crisps, biscuits and hot chocolate with a bag of marshmallows as this seems to be a favourite of most children.

Posted: 12th January 2023